Monday, October 20, 2003

Another Awesome Weekend of RO...

I guess I didn't really post anything about the Perverts or the plastic-coated fairy band's sets on Friday. VAGIANT UK's set was fun but somehow alienating at the same time. Kind of like working the counter at a porno store - everyone keeps their distance and no one wants to make eye contact. The PERVERTS sounded really good - the best set I've heard from them so far and people were up close and digging them. Very nice guys, too. The Courtesy Clerks...yadda yadda yadda ...totally awesome. I think I already expressed my love for them on my 10/18 post. Glad they'll be continuing- But who will their new bassist be? Can't wait to find out.

...And on to Tom Heinl's CD release on Saturday. WHAT IS UP WITH TOM??? How can one little guy be so charismatic and lovable and hilariously, piss-your-pants funny in a time-capsule, 1970's country karaoke kind-of way? Tom rules. Cosmo and I went to the early, kids-for-free show. A perfect little nugget of a show, Tom and Dustin's " Captain and Neal" act was short and hilarious. Tom's official karaoke set was performed with dance moves and props and he never lost the attention of the entire room...Tom Heinl belongs in a Las Vegas Hee-Haw revival. During his closing number, "I Love...", he had all the kids in the house(+ Scottk and Ty Connor) up onstage, sitting on hay bales while he extolled the virtues of "Drunk driving in the day...(don�t do that, kids!)", " Ass" and "you too" I really wish I could quote some more of his witticisms etc...sorry - mind failing.


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