Wednesday, November 09, 2022

What does November even mean? 11/9/2022

Hey I went to Seattle last week for work. It was nice to hit the road in a rental hybrid Mitsubishi car-thing and go to visit various produce departments of Tacoma, Bonney Lake, Issaquah, Sammamish and Seattle. Yay, produce! Almost everyone I talked to was exhausted and complained of being short on labor. Ouch! I also saw loads and loads of people, customers, people in cars, people in homeless camps, people in hospitals. I did get a chance to see my brother Mike and it sounds like he is doing better and will likely recover from his head injury. It wsa hard to see my brother trying to connect sentences and forgetting words, but after a few hours he was talking and wording a lot better. Seattle itself is beautiful to me, with all it's crazy little neighborhoods and nooks and crannies, a mystery or tragedy around every bend. I didn't make much time for quality food like I normally do but I found a couple different tacos that I was glad to munch on. This week, I've been back to work with a vengeance and not had much time for art, music or chickens or gardens. I made time today since it was a quiter workday where i could take my 15 minute breaks and spend some time in the yard in the cold sun. Beautiful life - how long can this go? A pretty cool monument to flying saucers:
A classic and valid complaint:
Me and Mike in the hospital - he's feeling a lot better. Also a breakfast I ate.

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