Monday, October 24, 2022

10/24/2022 7 day countdown to pumpkin

I've had a lot of plates spinning on my mental pencil lately. My bro's friend called me with good updates about my brother's continued healing from his recent brain-bash. My youngest has been assembling his Halloween costume and it's really cute - can't wait to share a picture when it comes time. I don't have a costume planned but I better think up something - quick! Saturday night we had friends Sleeve and Laurie over and we went out to dinner at a place called Amaro's Table in Vancouver - an apertif bistro-type place. I had some fried chicken and coleslaw and we all shared a bottle of wine and a few flights of amaros - digestivs, I think they are herb-infused brandy? I've been cutting back on alcohol consumption but we tried some delicious and sometimes bitter amaros, ate the food and then our friends went to Star theater to catch the Legendary Pink Dots, a band I'm not familiar with.
on the creative front, I've been trying to finish vocal and guitars on a batch of Trouble Cuts recordings we laid down back in April - why does it take me so long? Probably because life is busy and complicated. We're almost there - hopefully we'll have a new release before the end of the year. Here's a band I saw open for Stereolabd a few weeks ago - Fievel Is Glaque, a band with international members mostly centered in New York City and Brussels, Belgium:

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