Wednesday, February 19, 2020

False Spring

Holy shit, it is a beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest. A glorious break from the rain and mud-splattered commute that normally puts me in a stellar mood right before I get home. Sick of Commute

February is usually a “month of renewal” for Tina and me – we usually take the month off from drinking alcohol and imbibing the ganj. (my wife doesn’t really like weed anyway but I most definitely need a month off, if not an all-out soul cleanse.) The side effects for me are terminal grouchiness, followed by high level of alertness, less appetite, less need for sleep and vivid dreams. I was never meant to be a stoner anyway as it might make me a mellow fellow but I lose that sense of animal urgency that drives me to claw my way through life.  Not to mention my lungs have taken a beating over the years and I have fears of pneumonia every time I get sick since I have that wonderful, leathery Darth Vader gurgle in the chest at night – ugh! I’d prefer to live long rather than be high and numb to the ragged insanity of day-to-day life. Or would I? Come summer we will see if I can still abstain. Praise Jah and pass the dutchee pan.
I fucking hate political discussions but succumbed to one over the dinner table when some family was over last night – lost my cool like the liberal shill that I am. Why is it so hard to accept other people’s points of view? I wish I could be cool and collected and just listen to other folk’s arguments and not take things personally but I tend to make an ass of myself. Sorry, world. The discussion touched on Bloomberg entering the race – buying his way in – versus Bernie and Eliz Warren and the potential drawbacks of any of them going up against Trump. In my mind, Bloomberg is a bad choice since he lacks legitimacy in the Dem base due to his past tenure as a Republican and his stop and frisk policies while mayor of NYC. On the other hand, Bernie is old and tends to repeat the same talking points over and over, older voters are scared of the word ‘socialist’ and many moderates accuse him of being just another populist but he has the strongest grassroots support of any of the candidates. I like Elizabeth since she is economically savvy and has solid policy ideas but I fear she is tanking and media is already making her seem invisible, even though her polling is better than many of the other moderate dems. I would take any of the current potential candidates over Trump but in all likelihood, it will end up being a vomitous race of hell and either be extremely close or Trump will win again. Fuck politics and fuck me for even caring when I really should be working on my survival bunker and hoarding Neuman-Os, olive oil and good vintage wines and a car-battery-powered record player and probably a shit-ton of weed and ibuprofen. We’re fucked no matter who gets in and I’m not sure any change in our political system will change shit. Love you, brothers and sisters of humanity!
I work hard most days on doing something, ANYTHING creative, even if it’s just hashing out song lyrics while watching tv with the family. I’m finally getting some lift on my soundcloud tracks. 32 tracks since January 1st, baby! Only a few of those are old; everything else written very quickly and posted sporadically. I’ve given up caring about the idea of releasing things ‘properly’ but I probably will make a tape this year with some of the better tracks. This song has gotten the most plays - Always Stay  – maybe I should clone it and hope they pick it for the next season of Peaky Blinders so I can get $$$.
Happy Hump day!

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