Monday, August 06, 2007

Damn! I haven't had much time to write lately. Having a one-month-old baby sure can put a dent in one's blogging, but then again, so can a kitten, a rainbow, a unicorn or season 5 of the Sopranos.
Little baby Louis has been really kickin' ass, doing the things a baby does - mainly sleep, eat, cry and poop. Oh, and also he's really good at being cute.
We had the Randoms over for a Sunday brunch yesterday, which was lovely. I'm still snacking on the leftover scones - muchos gracias to Robin for bringing them.
Friday, we went camping up on the McKenzie pass with the little guy and also did a couple of hikes with him packed in like a little papoose. Linton Lake was beautiful and rather large. I am always amazed at the beautiful Cascade lakes in our area that are just out there, waiting to be discovered.
Here's a video of Yeltsin at the Sam Bond's Garage 12th anniversary show on July 28th. Dig the new tune! I can't wait until their new cd comes out later this year. Party on, Garth!

Yeltsin at Sam Bond's Garage, Eugene, Oregon, 7/28/07 from Ed Cole and Vimeo.

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